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Aliquam vitae ultrices est, et tincidunt ante. Aliquam sit amet turpis purus. Aliquam cursus rutrum auctor.

Etiam pharetra, arcu non efficitur tincidunt, purus orci volutpat eros, ut tincidunt metus tellus nec dolor. Nunc suscipit lectus vel nisi suscipit, nec finibus nibh faucibus. Suspendisse placerat ullamcorper erat. Maecenas lectus est, efficitur vitae egestas ut, vehicula vel turpis. Nulla metus diam, tincidunt ac elit ac, rutrum semper ex. Aliquam commodo velit risus, eget elementum nunc fringilla id. Ut a quam tellus.

Edouard Boubat (1923 - 1999)

Edouard Boubat is one of the three main photographers of the Réalités magazine where he worked from 1951 to 1969. He is, with Brassaï, Willy Ronis, Robert Doisneau, Izis, one of the main representatives of French humanist photography. His work imbued with poetry will make Jacques Prévert say of him: "Boubat, a correspondent of peace".

After a childhood in Montmartre, Édouard Boubat took the Estienne school competition in 1937. He studied photoengraving there from 1937 to 1942. Requisitioned for two years of compulsory labor service in Germany, it was only after the war that he learned about photography. Her first photograph, The Little Girl with Dead Leaves, received the Kodak Prize in 1947. He then became a reporter and permanent collaborator for the monthly Réalités, then freelance photographer from 1970 until his death.

Zao Wou Ki (1920 - 2013)

"... A great painter who continues in his work at least ten great centuries of Chinese art, and who is one of the best modern painters in the West. "- Claude Roy

His work is vast. It includes the realistic paintings of his first paintings which are mainly portraits, some still lifes and landscapes (1935-1949), as well as oils on canvas of large formats inspired by Paul Klee which tend towards abstraction from the years 1950, then lyrical abstraction in the 1960s, Indian inks, calligraphy.

William Turner (1775 - 1851)

Initially of the English Romantic vein, his work is marked by a daring innovative research which makes him consider, with his contemporary John Constable, a precursor of Impressionism.

Renowned for his oils, Turner is also one of the greatest English masters of watercolor landscapes. He earns the nickname "painter of light"


Orientalist painting is a painting that addresses themes revolving around Orientalism. It is therefore not a question of a particular style, movement or school of painting. The interest of the West for Orientalism appeared during the 18th century, but it was especially in the 19th century that the attraction for oriental themes will reach its peak.

Orientalist painting is deeply linked to travel. It is true that some artists have not left Europe or the United States, such as Antoine-Jean Gros, who is nevertheless famous for his Bonaparte and the plague victims of Jaffa. However, many did travel to the Maghreb. This was the case of Eugène Delacroix who went to Morocco and Algiers in 1832.